Dolan Morgan interviewed for BOMB


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“All of the pieces in That’s When the Knives Come Down are the product of accident and luck and time, but only as outcroppings from the moments when I felt most exasperated by my own impotence and inability to do anything. You plan and fall short, and you outline and fuck up, and you wish and want, and then you don’t so much give up as you give in. You stand atop a teetering pile of your own absurd expectations and survey the dumb landscape that surrounds you, then don the cupcake costume and offer up the warm lemon hand wedge to the universe. I have to let go of what I want from a story and try in turn to deliver what the story itself wants or demands. Which is an important distinction.”

That’s a small bit from a great interview between Dolan and J.T. Price, now up at the BOMB Magazine site. Check out the whole thing, which includes Dolan’s thoughts on nothingness, face removal, and meaning[ful/less-ness].

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