Welcome to the New Aforementioned Website

More content is surely on its way, but for now, all of the necessary bits are here. Check out the menu on the right for more information about us, upcoming events and our publications.

Other goings-on:

The first print issue of apt will be out in January. A new website is forthcoming there as well.

The next installment of Literary Firsts is on January 24th, 2011. More details at literary-firsts.com.

Happy holidays and all that,

New AP website in progress

Thanks for stopping by. Please hang in there while we’re rebuilding the site in WordPress. Switching to the WP platform will allow for easier and more frequent updates, more content, and more interactivity.

If you’re looking for apt, please click here.

If you’re looking for Literary Firsts, please click here.

If you’re looking for Carissa Halston, please click here.


Carissa and Randolph