We are happy and proud to present the first print issue of apt. It’s a very strong issue filled with fiction, poetry, and art. It features work by Brian Bahouth, David Bartone, Franco Belmonte, Liam Day, Javier Berzal de Dios, Shannon Derby, Cyndi Gacosta, Carissa Halston, Christina Kapp, J.F. Lynch, Seann McCollum, Dolan Morgan, Robin E. Mørk, Pete Mullen, Randolph Pfaff, Vincent Scarpa, Janelle M. Segarra, N. A’Yara Stein, and Curtis Tompkins.
In addition to the issue, there are excerpts, audio, and more art on the apt website. We’ll be updating it pretty frequently, so check back soon.
You can order your very own copy here. The print version is $10 and the PDF is $5.
Happy reading!