Writers for Migrant Justice: September 4 in Back Bay

We’re so proud to be one of the sponsors for next week’s Writers for Migrant Justice: Poetry Reading & Fundraiser in Boston. We hope you’ll be there to support the work being done to help migrant families at our southern border. The organizers have gathered a stellar group of readers: Danielle Legros Georges, Natalie Shapero, Martín Espada, Nicole Terez Dutton, Jennifer Jean, U-Meleni Mhlaba-Adebo, Pablo Medina, Yara Liceaga Rojas, Willy Ramirez, and more.

A note from the organizers: “In a time where we are all asking What can I do? reading and hearing writing that holds witness to the ongoing cruelty and inhumanity happening at our border and, importantly, fundraising to help provide urgently needed aid to detained children and adults is a small and necessary action to help fight these injustices. Please join Boston’s literary community in protesting the actions of our government through poetry.”

If you can, we hope you’ll join us Wednesday, September 4th, 6-7:30pm at Arlington Street Church in Boston. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. Drinks, snacks, and appetizers available for purchase. Location is accessible. The event is free and open to the public, but donations are encouraged and appreciated.

Cover reveal: Krysten Hill’s HOW HER SPIRIT GOT OUT

Summertime is lovely at the AP office. Being near Boston puts us close to the beach and we take advantage of that.

But honestly? Aforementioned is more of an autumn/winter. You can tell from our schedule: we tend to shine in the cooler months.

We have some really exciting projects ahead: in November, we’re producing White Rabbit Red Rabbittickets are on sale now!—and in December, we’re publishing Krysten Hill’s debut chapbook, How Her Spirit Got Out. We’ve been working with Krysten for years, as a contributor at apt, a reader at Literary Firsts, and now on HHSGO, so we’ve been so happy to see her work grow during that time.

And now that we get to shine it up and present it to all of you, Carissa may have gotten a bit carried away in designing the cover.

Or, shall we say, covers:



Keep your eyes peeled for presale news for how you can get your own copy (maybe one in each color?)—more details soon!