Please join us on Thursday, January 22 to celebrate the release of Liam Day’s debut poetry collection, Afforded Permanence!
Featuring live music by Colin O’Day and readings from Krysten Hill, Danielle Jones-Pruett, Randolph Pfaff, Daniel Evans Pritchard, and Liam Day! Hosted by Carissa Halston.
Thirty poems inspired by Boston’s MBTA bus routes, Afforded Permanence chronicles the travels of a lifelong Bostonian and the passing lives of the people who ride alongside him.
RSVP at Facebook (where our lives are lived online)

Liam Day has been a youth worker, teacher, assistant principal, public health professional, campaign manager, political pundit, communications director, and professional basketball player. His poems have appeared in Slow Trains, apt, and Wilderness House Literary Review. His op-eds and essays have appeared in Annalemma, Stymie, The Boston Globe, Boston Herald, and The Good Men Project, where he is the Sports Editor.

Krysten Hill is originally from Kansas City, MO, and currently lives and teaches in Boston, MA. She received her MFA from UMass Boston. She has featured poetry at the Massachusetts Poetry Festival, Cantab, U35 Reading Series, Mr. Hip Presents, Literary Firsts, and The Encyclopedia Show Somerville, among others. Her poetry has appeared or is forthcoming in Muzzle, PANK, apt, Amethyst Arsenic, ROAR, Write on the DOT, and Oddball Magazine. Her greatest desire is to form a collective of women poets who travel around teaching the power of voice to the girls on front porches who wonder what that aching in their chests is all about.

Danielle Jones-Pruett is a recipient of a 2014 Rona Jaffe Foundation Writers’ Award. She received a B.A. in English and psychology from Jacksonville State University, and an M.F.A. in poetry from the University of Massachusetts Boston. Her poems have appeared or are forthcoming in Best New Poets 2014, Beloit Poetry Journal, Cider Press Review, Southern Poetry Review, and many others. She currently lives in Salem, Massachusetts, with her husband and sons, and is program coordinator for the Writers House at Merrimack College.

Randolph Pfaff’s poems and essays have appeared in Poet Lore, Barrelhouse, PANK, and H_NGM_N, among others. He edits a literary journal called apt and runs a small press, Aforementioned Productions.

Daniel Evans Pritchard was born and raised in Quincy, with family roots in Dorchester and Roxbury, and is a graduate of both Boston College and BC High. Poet, translator, publishing professional, and critic, he is the founding editor of The Critical Flame, an online journal of literary criticism, as well as digital marketing advisor to AGNI magazine and a board member at VIDA: Women in Literary Arts. His work can be found in Little Star, Fulcrum, The Battersea Review, and elsewhere.